Dr. Martin Luther King

Thomas Jasen Gardner                                           Monday, Jan 16, 2012


Life Science Communications



“History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure:

Are we looking for another job creation bureaucrat to organize pointless meetings with stale donuts as a sidebar of sugar coated failures? Or are we looking for group leadership skills that changes negative social behavior, by organizing a causality strategy for jobs? Are we looking to replicate the hypocritical hiring and retention policies of traditional human resource departments? Or are we looking to implicate proven innovative methods for human behavior that sustain positive changes from diversified hiring practices?


The conception of a job creation position should not be left to the historical constraints of mainstream hiring policies that use retrograde methods.  Is this job announcement meant to reprehend the ongoing failed policies and responsibilities of the city’s human resources department? This position is crucial in repairing Madison’s historically failed attempts at creating long-term private and public jobs for residents in poor neighborhoods. This Achilles’ heel has made Madison a mockery of civil rights activists and business executives. To resolve this ongoing dilemma, the job activist should present a conceptualized successful plan of providing meaningful employment to Madison’s most vulnerable residents. As a councilperson, you should campaign to nominate me, Thomas Jasen Gardner, to this sensitive and outspoken position.

 I have a strategic job plan, and I know how to use it:

With this temporary position, constituents, businesses, and politicians do not want another placating position to mollify well-meaning but ineffectual characters. Who needs an annual repeat of tenacious paper trails and pointless presentations that do not meet the transparent goals of the urban community the suburban analyst was hired to resolve? People do not want another agency that promises to deliver but falls into the pitfalls of acceptable under achievement.  Every citizen wants a positive social interaction between less crime, full employment, and family values. All the players involved want a collective reflection of self-sufficiency that encompasses pride, honesty and trust. The hard work and resources necessary to sponsor a winning football team, requires proper conditioning, coaching and equipment. Gardner would use a standardized huddle that collaboratively negotiates these social attributes for an exciting play, which wins jobs.  


My job campaign creates interpersonal interaction within an influential linking circle of millionaires, corporations, social groups, government agencies, social clubs, non-government agencies, school districts, police agencies, juvenile courts, unions, business groups, factories, e.g. But most of all, communication with the working poor, skilled artisans, lower-level white collar workers and the withering middle class will help create networks of permanent job offers. These jobs should not be dependent upon the bellwether of politics or the apartheid culture of injustice. These community representatives are the audience of actors that will undergo a transformation of compliance and complacency. Upon comprehension that some barriers are prolonged by their individual actions, they will come to embrace the work presence of non-traditional employees.  


This new position calls to mind a coordinator friend’s mission of having black males attend hunting and fishing events with white volunteers. Urban blacks also enjoyed country and bluegrass music while learning to square dance in a livery stable. White males reciprocated by attending hip-hop and blues concerts, while learning to tap-dance on a sawdust floor at a black barbershop. They unconsciously became a collection of people who interact with each other and share similar characteristics based from a sense of unity. This increased investment in people meeting people helped to develop substantial human resources and personal experiences of knowledge. This in turn influenced positive behavioral changes of personal compassion and social comprehension among strangers. Can Madison handle sincere events of personal interaction or do we depend on the bean counters?


The person in this position must not only be a dynamic public speaker and an aggressive pursuer of utilizing laws, policies, and regulations that interact to accomplish the city council’s goal of creating jobs. These jobs should result in career moves that can be transferred to the area’s long-term job projections. The fiscal projections of green jobs, skilled factory workers, computer technicians, office-workers, cooks, and home-repair jobs are just a few of the available opportunities that a skilled negotiator can secure for low-income residents. Dead-end jobs supplemented by taxpayer dollars are an immoral imperative and an economic parasite. Such totalitarian methods have proven to further diminish the brackish relationship between the isthmus of magi commuters and the residents of poor neighborhoods that surround the capitol building.

“It is incontestable and deplorable that Negroes have committed crimes; but they are derivative crimes. They are born of the greater crimes of the white society.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Anything that affects an effect is a factor of that effect.” Aristotle

Social services are used as a police dragnet to ensnare unsuspecting caste, who are looking for work, looking for health care or looking for shelter. Needy people are then used as shark bait for law officials trolling the lake waters for their promotion points of provoked arrests. From minor convictions to minor infractions, poor people caught up in the net of judicial hierarchy. From the little schoolboy whose suspicious book bag was ransacked by local police, to the old black man who is also racially coded by authorities, apartheid still reigns in Madison. Are these people wrong when they believe American democracy is deeply rigged against their total existence?  Modern day Jim Crow has purposely denied them opportunities to pursue the American dream of quality education, quality employment, quality health care and quality homes. We need a charismatic character to work closely with social service agencies to eliminate actual or rumored events that reek of second-class status. The innocent victims and the candid perpetrators are both searching for truth, justice and the American way.  The rights of the working majority must include a job system that benefits everyone’s right to work in the city of Madison.


While a working boot camp program for perspective employees has shown periods of success, the working programs that also required perspective management and staff to attend psych-social training sessions were completely successful. Prosperous programs experiencing long-term unemployment of high-risk employees were highly imaginative when the job instigator strategically planned collaboration between unique cultures.  


Finding a job through a state agency is half the battle of securing job leads; the other half is getting and keeping that job. Like corporate banks, many CEO’s have found tax supported financial incentives to hire a black person; but entrenched workers and a masochistic management make it impossible for an average black man to get a job.  Many of the hazing, trails, and tribulations for keeping a job are not only unnecessary, but these Jim Crow methods also demoralize and stigmatize the black man’s true character.  False images of lazy blacks, late arrivals, and unqualified personnel can only change when work opportunities allow these cultural character assassinations of “last hired and first fired” to be forever destroyed. Changing behavior requires a job creator who maintains a relationship of trust, compassion and understanding for all parties. With these attributes that can help change behavior, risk communication is welcome from the right job creator.


When you buy a new car you invest in the maintenance necessary to insure it gets you where you want to go for as long as it possibly can. Bureaucrats should maintain a dialog with the client as well as continuing surveillance of employer job training methods, co-worker allegiance, and workers concerns. For instance, some employers give the new employee a job where he is meant to fail because the employer did not teach the client and a lack of experience, equipment or guidance creates a failed endeavor that costs money and time. Whether this breaks any AA/EEO laws is questionable, but when the same pattern of black termination is repeated, bureaucrats should question their methods of identifying employee violated AA/EEO guidelines and employer’s history of hiring training policies.


Aristotle marked two modes of causation: proper (prior) causation and accidental (chance) causation. Whether high black unemployment is unconscious or conscious acts of systematic applications of institutional racism or just plain ignorance is debatable. However, what we do know is there is a pattern of citywide job discrimination in Madison as documented in several studies.

The first question which the priest and the Levite asked was: “If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?” But… the good Samaritan reversed the question: “If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Models of equality:

Government and private work entities from all around the nation have admirably eliminated this caveman pattern of systematic elimination of potential job candidates. Their avenues of interpersonal interagency communication can be presented in a strategic format easily understood by the city council, clients, employers, businesses and the tax-paying public. The function of one variable upon another is supported by linear data from past, current, and future longitudinal studies about Madison. As a job coordinator, I can help translate resolutions for consideration of adoption by the Madison city council. While some are as useful as a chocolate teapot, others have proven to increase the local tax base, reduce crime and strengthen families.


But the same correlational research finds the same discriminating results in cross-sectional studies about sex and age differences in employment retention, inscription, and maintenance. From these stats, there is reason to believe, that not only does a criminal background but a barometer of poor credit and health history can be identified as a barrier to full employment. The city needs to create a position where the job creator can act as liaison between haves and have-nots.


At this point in time, we want a resolution to the long-term phenomena of high black unemployment. Eliminating and even reducing some barriers will increase candidate potential and expand opportunities for meaningful employment. Not every job requires a college degree, but studies show that nepotism and racist assumptions play a substantial role in who gets hired and who does not. Networking for a position in a doctor’s office is harder when your neighbor is not already working in the doctor’s office or your daughter did not attend the same suburban school as the doctor’s children. But with so many public and private agencies working as job counselors, why do so few find work for black people? With so many companies claiming they support affirmative action, why does their staff still resemble vanilla ice cream? Is the literacy test or the poll tax still in place for these job recruiters? People have an inherent desire to obey the law and follow social patterns; the job facilitator must be able to provide information and statistics that support positive behavior change.


The job facilitator must be an advocate for those looking for workers and those who want to work.  We want to change the state of unemployment without manipulating or deviating from the conditional probabilities outlined by regulations and laws. There are countless cities similar to Madison that has recognized the causal substructures of urban unemployment with statistics, graphs, PowerPoint’s, blogs, websites, government reports, non-government organizations, social media, and university dissertations. A community in Michigan and another in California have tweaked employment laws to allow clearer definitions of laws already in place.

“Discrimination is a hellhound that gnaws at Negroes in every waking moment of their lives to remind them that the lie of their inferiority is accepted as truth in the society dominating them.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Demographical epochs of non-compliance:

The stalled mobility of black people towards economic success can be interpreted through a variable profile of quantitative and qualitative research. What is important to note is that the failed cumulative efforts of many local non-governmental organizations and government agencies have not minutely addressed the foundations of fundamental inequality of unemployment.  While church preachers, public agencies, and social progressives parade their weak attempts as a dominion of marginal success, they are usually between a rock and a hard place. It is time for common sense to coordinate their distinctive challenges.  The representative of the paradigm shift should not be a part of the entrenched and failed hierarchy of archetypal drowsing bureaucrats.  The constraints of normal risk communication are so ingrained that internal racist assumptions taunt progressive communication methods when inequality is openly discussed. The job facilitator must be aware of audience segments and how best to communicate with influential members of that audience.


The mainstream approach has nearly produced a permanent underclass. The laboratory principles applied have created pneumatically contoured policies that ignore the moral and social imperative of having 30% unemployment among Madison’s young black men.  It is time to beat the swords of young black men into ploughshares for young Americans. This invisible reality of unemployed blacks who are seen on TV and not heard at the workplace, does not fulfill MLK’s dream or the dream of those who were sacrificed on the wilderness trail of affirmative action and equal employment opportunities.


The decision to incorporate a job coordinator is an historic turning point that can influence the moral and legal code of conduct without conflicting with the basic principals of self-determination.  Gardner can apply reasonable and just communication technologies that highlight the commitment and outline the challenges of predominant beliefs, prejudices and ideologies of public opinion, government officials and private business.


Gardner’s grandfather lied to his son about the advantages of pulling up your bootstraps without any boots; Gardner’s father lied to him about an easy access to the American dream without quality schools; Gardner then lied to his son about pulling out all the stops to achieve his capitalist rights without a green light to go forward; Gardner’s grandson uses the idioms to prove that you can’t corral a grizzly with two willow switches. But through initiatives, programs, and education, we can train that bear to appreciate diversity, by feeding it tasty American honey.


Some say this job’s goal is like pulling a rabbit out of a polished top hat you don’t own. I don’t think this job is preordained to fail unless you overthink your strategy of common sense or destine yourself to wearing the same barbed manacles currently used to incarcerate equality and restrain justice for all Madisonians.


Before you can say Jack Robinson, Gardner’s strategic job plan will be authenticated and enacted with weekly newsletter, progression graphs, and employer reports faithfully distributed to city council, administrators and overseers. Contrary to what you may presume, I am not a proud, stubborn, or insufferable man; I am a black American male who believes the bright sunshine of righteousness will warm even the most cold-hardened heart. I am an American who believes those with less then patriotic intentions have stymied the American dream. Let us work together to create a strong ideology that is not destroyed by such innate indifference. Just remember, there is no such thing as the long-term unemployed or the unemployable, these are just people who are in between jobs. Many may have avoided the massive racial incarceration that is only second to China’s rate of political incarceration. In addition, many blacks may have actually learned at public schools that are worse then those in banana republics. Is this their fault?


For the happiness of all concerned, Thank You for your time. If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to contact me. If you would like a power point presentation of my job recruitment strategy please contact me during Black History Month.




Thomas Jasen Gardner
